Category Archives for "Social"

The Words That Bind You…Presupposition

  Ever worked in sales? One of the first techniques you’re taught is the Double Bind or Assumptive Close: a closed-ended question that gives the prospect the illusion of choice. For example: Will you be paying by cash or card? Would you like to arrange a consultation visit for the morning or afternoon? The first sentence presupposes (or […]

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My Best Tips On Remote Management

Today as I was having my private coaching session (using coach in a box, I must say that it did add value!), Eileen asked me “what would be your top tips on how to manage people remotely?”. As I was answering, I made a note to myself to blog it too, so here it is: […]

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The Shocking Fact About Human Behaviour. Are You A Victim?

You’re hardwired by design to act in certain ways. It’s how we evolved and it’s only in the last sliver of time in our brief history that our environment and way of life has drastically changed. Your brain is configured to detect life threatening situations and monitor your environment 24/7. The good news is that […]

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The 6 Basic Needs Of Every Person

Think of your dreams; your goals; your vision. What is it exactly that you want in your life? You may already have a picture of what you desire, but I can guarantee you, there is a deeper want behind it that is common among every person on this planet. Behind every desire there is a […]

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