Category Archives for "Purpose"

How do you know how to best spend your time?

The mindset of a life winner Have you ever felt the pressure of being stretch in multiple directions? You know what you want, and you’ve got a plan, and yet you sometimes find it hard to progress because life is pulling you into many other directions. We all know that FOCUS is great, but how […]

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Goal Setting with the wheel of life

Wheel of life

Goal Setting: the wheel of life In today’s Mastermind, I improvised a quick version of the Wheel of Life. It’s a very simple tool that can provoque deep insights about your current situation in life. It visually shows how balanced your life is, and it also helps you to assess where you are and compare […]

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COACHING: a few tips to get you started

Starting up as a coach and getting ready for your first session? Here are a few tips to get you started Create a “questionnaire” for yourself As you are adapting to the individual, you could create a simple “questionnaire” that you use for your first interactions. You don’t need to share it necessarily with the other person […]

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Situational Leadership: people are neither good nor bad !

People are neither good nor bad If you are working in a wide corporate environment, you most probably had discussions between managers about some of your talent pipeline and resources. I find that it often goes like this: “John? Oh yes is good, solid guy, we should keep an eye on him and have him […]

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Lucy Whittington on How To Discover Your THING

On Wednesday February 25th, I went to an Entrepreneurs in London Meetup event about Find Your Thing and Get Famous For It. The speaker was Lucy Whittington who calls herself a “Business Celebrity” and gets paid helping others find their “Thing”. What is your “Thing” anyways? Your Thing is your gift; it’s that something you’re […]

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Accomplish Your Goals With The Life Compass

Update: For the audio version, please refer to my PODCAST on iTunes Are you looking for ways to document your goals and track them easily? Do you find it difficult to follow through the goals you set for yourself? Have you collected several versions of papers and documents with goals and never really looked back at […]

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Remember The Stonecutter and Keep Hammering Away!

There’s a great quote from 19th century social reformer, Jacob Riis, that is prominently displayed in the locker room of successful NBA team, the San Antonio Spurs. When nothing seems to help, I go and look at the stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without so much as a crack showing in it.  Yet […]

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